Don't put your future in the hands of a judge. This free guide and workbook will help you avoid costly and risky court battles, and stay in control of your future.
“Brenda is the best attorney that ever lived. She has seen my family through some really tough times. She is our angel. My son absolutely adores her. I'm pretty crazy about her myself. She is who you want fighting for you in court."
Divorce and child custody issues are complicated, stressful, overwhelming, and costly.
When you go to court, the outcome of your issues also become uncertain and risky – because a judge decides your future, not you.
I want preparing for your case to be simple and easy to understand, and I want to help you craft your ideal outcome.
I created this guide to help make the process less scary and help you wrap your head around what the process will be like, how to prepare for it, and how to take control of it to reduce your cost and get the outcome you want.
Plus — you'll get every worksheet and checklist you need to succeed.
How to save money: going to court is more than twice as expensive.
Divorce is costly. People who go to court spend 134% more on average than those who resolve out of court — that's more than twice as much!
But cases that go to trial frequently cost $50,000 to $100,000 in legal bills for each spouse. They spend more, but they're less satisfied with the results!
Protect your child's best interest.
No parent wants to face the gut-wrenching possibility of losing time with their children. And no judge knows your child better than you. We help you prioritize your child's best interests without putting their future in a judge's hands.
Get peace of mind and freedom from stress.
Learn how to take control of the process, minimize unnecessary conflict, and start from the strongest position possible so you can achieve your financial and emotional goals.